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ISO 14001 : 2015 Training Courses

ISO 14001, one of ISO’s most widely used standard has been revised to suit today’s ever-changing business environment. The key changes in the standard were designed to allow an organization to develop a strategy towards a more suitable environmental management system that is also sustainable in the long term.

Full Awareness Course

This is an in-depth course, with a clause-by-clause discussion of the requirements of the 2015 editions of the standards. This includes workshop exercises and technical discussions on organizational context, understanding the needs of internal and external interested parties and associated risks and opportunities.

This course is designed to enable participants to

This course is designed t to enable participants to: Examine the structure of management system standards as evidenced in the ISO 14001:2015

Identify new requirements and expansion incorporating new business management terminologies and concepts designed to enhance an organization’s environmental performance

Understand the requirements of Annex SL relating to leadership, organizational context, planning and support

Understand the application of risk-based thinking, life-cycle perspective, enhanced compliance and emphasis on the supply chain


Training Offer

Internal Audit Course

This course is designed to enable participants to develop the necessary skills to assess and evaluate their organization’s Environmental Management System performance based on ISO 14001:2015 and grasp the application of risk-based thinking and lifecycle thinking when considering environmental aspects.



This course covers principles of effective internal audit in accordance to ISO 19011 and features a balance of lectures, group workshops and open forum discussions for successful audit planning, preparation, performance and reporting.

This course is designed to enable participants to develop the necessary skills to assess and evaluate their organization’s Environmental Management System performance based on ISO 14001:2015 and grasp the application of risk-based thinking and lifecycle thinking when considering environmental aspects.



This course covers principles of effective internal audit in accordance to ISO 19011 and features a balance of lectures, group workshops and open forum discussions for successful audit planning, preparation, performance and reporting.

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